A Little Philosophy

A lot of people think that life is a miraculous event that is a rare phenomenon, and quite a few believe that it is created by a powerful, divine being. I will agree that it is rare, but at the same time, it’s bound to happen. When you pick a card from a deck, there is a 1 in 52 chance that you will get the ace of spades. But if you draw a card enough times, eventually it will be the ace of spades. Well, life has an even smaller chance; the necessary elements on an adequately sized rock being the correct distance from the right caliber heat source… It’s just not something you come across every day. But when you consider how many rocks there are in the universe, at least one of them is bound to be the ace of spades. (In fact, there’s enough to pull the ace of spades quite a few times.) It is a very, very rare chance that is certain to happen.